Sitemap - 2020 - Carl Beijer
Data for Progress added more cabinet recommendations - after they were already picked
What those county "realignment" charts actually show
The Data for Progress Cabinet Tracker
Data for Progress's cabinet recommendations scam
Who won working class voters? An open challenge
Socialists have to tolerate people who won't vote for capitalists
The radical mysticism of identitarian reductionism
Why the athlete strikes matter
You can't trust the media on Evo Morales
The false simplicity of populist rhetoric
What they mean by "progressive"
Why "settle for Biden" in safe states?
Is intellectual freedom on the decline in the United States?
A brief word on the 2020 polls
Centrist populism and the "double horseshoe" theory of class
Does it ever make sense to "collaborate" with the right?
What is occupation supposed to accomplish?
The "cancel culture" discourse is incoherent
Pseudo-materialism and class identity
On Laffer and the undeserving poor
Bootstraps ideology and the 2020 primaries
Nagle and Tracey are wrong about education and income, too
A basic problem with the Nagle-Tracey primary analysis
Who should win the nomination if Biden drops out?
Coronavirus and the persuasion of class analysis
Reade and the oppression of pundits
Elizabeth Warren has proven the failure of liberal progressive politics
Capitalism in the time of cholera
2020 will be the Stay At Home election
Some notes on pandemics and inequality
COVID-19 and the austerity death trap
No, Romney and Cotton aren't national socialists
Biden is underperforming Clinton
Getting past the Bernie Bro smear
Warren still hurts Sanders, even in a narrowed field
Inside Warren's collapsing base
The Warren surge that never was
Warren lied about her support for Medicare for All
A brief thought on "bend the knee"
"A big night for Bernie Sanders"
No, Warren’s campaign is not being "erased"
Not much evidence of an anti-capitalist GOP
The media’s biased, error-ridden coverage of "Bernie Bros" has failed once again
Bernie posters: don’t back down
The media is trying to stop Bernie’s momentum. Don’t let them
Just attack all of Bernie’s opponents
A lot of black voters don’t support Democrats
Electoral hostage-taking is fine when centrists do it
Biden’s polling advantage against Trump has collapsed
Is there a coordinated plan to stop Bernie Sanders?
Sanders currently the best bet in battleground states
Will the media let Joe Biden get away with this?
Why they hate Bernie’s supporters
Tonight, they’re coming for Sanders