Hi, I’m Carl Beijer. This is a blog about politics from a Marxist perspective. I’ve taught him in college and I wrote my graduate thesis on Marxist ideology, so I take him quite seriously. I also have a lot of idiosyncratic ideas of my own, of course. Here’s the kind of thing you’ll find here:
We aren’t going to beat climate change unless rich countries send trillions to poor countries every year to aid green development. Here is my paper on how you could implement this policy in the United States.
I support what Marxists have historically referred to as “the abolition of private property.” Here’s what that really means.
I don’t see any reason to believe that global capitalism is going to end anytime soon.
I define the ruling class as people who can live off of their capital without working. That’s a very small number of people!
I think that US imperialism is a destructive force in our world — but that other capitalist countries engage in imperialism, too. For that reason I think socialists must be willing to criticize other countries.
I share the old socialist dream of the abolition of all borders and a single global government.
I think game theory proves that free speech absolutism is not the best way to defend free speech.
I think that contemporary liberalism is often an extremist ideology.
I think liberalism’s suspicion of state power is impeding our fight against capitalism.
I am a philosophical determinist — that is, I don’t believe in free will.
I think that sometimes it makes sense for the left to vote third party or independent.
I think that telling the truth is always the best political course of action.
If any of this interests you, please consider subscribing!