Sitemap - 2018 - Carl Beijer
Racial polarization in the 2020 primary draft
Why Chait and Yglesias are arguing about the Sanders left
Why Sanders supporters are attacking Beto
How has the intensity of support for Sanders changed since 2016?
Nate Silver, the Democratic primaries, and the trouble with Likert scores
Third parties and the shadow primary
The Green New Deal is a good plan. It’s not a socialist plan.
Nobody is on Twitter, revisited
Democrats improved their performance among Republican constituencies in 2018
Left entryists have fought to take over the Democratic Party. 2018 is their test.
The voter turnout problem they don’t talk about
A few points on geoengineering
"Honor" is not why liberals liked John McCain
Olds radicalizing, millennials moderating since the 2016 election
Predictive writing probably will not change language use all that much
Anti-socialism is real, and recognizing this can help socialists cope with it
Six new Supreme Court justices
Climate imperialism, and green jobs (for the US)
How the liberal defense of capitalism prepares the ground for fascism
Solidarity with Alexander Cohen
Can niche market capitalism protect minorities?
Conor Friedersdorf can’t make up his mind about democracy
Did Russian intelligence inspire Trump to depress Clinton turnout in Michigan and Wisconsin?
The left’s take on Russian election meddling is basically correct
The "Russia is backing the US left" conspiracy theory has a major flaw
What kind of Trump voters can the opposition win?
Libcom’s criticism of the Kill All Normies gender list is pretty confused
Jordan Peterson doesn’t understand Jung’s ideas about gender
Capitalism and the constitution of the self
On Jacobin’s antidepressants article – a quick English lesson
That prom picture with the armed dad – it’s actually about capitalism
Russiagate can’t be reconciled with identitarian politics
How reactionary individualism keeps liberals from understanding systematic oppression
The liberal call for left purity
Did Trump’s top economic advisor endorse a wealth cap?
What do liberals mean by "authoritarian"?
A few points about that study on so-called "call-out culture"