Sitemap - 2014 - Carl Beijer
Rand Paul’s Ferguson article is a compelling critique of private property
The right’s conception of power is completely upside-down
The right’s revealing reaction to the Benghazi report
Friedersdorf disappointed that Obama governs like an American president
The federal government would easily destroy Joni Ernst and her family
Scholars have probably accounted for your obvious point
Female hysteria is not an actual thing
Liberals are still buying into Tea Party propaganda
Liberals who misunderstand #notallmen
Jennifer Rubin does not understand how elections work
Capitalism means militarization
Conservatives, the state, and the presumption of innocence
Capitalism needs your malice to survive
Capitalists have no coherent critique of militarization
No liberals, the police state is not going to commit suicide
Rand Paul’s facile spin on Ferguson
Libertarians do not get credit for social liberalism
What Orwell would actually say about "political correctness run amok"
Not an argument against democracy
Kazembek and fascist "socialism"
Did the Libertarian magazine Reason publish holocaust denials?